kym | Tuesday, January 17, 2012 |
i had a game when i was a kid* called medical monopoly (you can probably guess how cool i was just from that sentence alone). basically you got a card with symptoms and had to correctly diagnose the condition to move ahead...i know, totally awesome, right? so today i’m offering up a little twist – are you ready to play veterinary monopoly? here’s your symptoms: large amount of arterial blood from penis
no visible marks
several hours post-seizure ...

kym | Sunday, January 15, 2012 |
if i were so inclined i could write a blog entitled “what carly did wrong” and literally have enough material to post daily. i’d use this photo as the banner… having said that i feel i should also tell you that i adore the bejinkles out of her…as bad as she is she is exactly equally as fantastic. among her two most redeeming qualities are she’s about the sweetest thing going on four legs and she is the most amazing welcome wagon president our family could have. this is some footage of slater’s...

kym | Friday, January 13, 2012 |
i’m so, so happy to announce that violet has officially been adopted. her trainers, nathan & bridget from k9 logics, have been amazingly kind enough to foster her over the last year and she’s been having a ball playing with all the dogs that come to their daycare. being the amazing little lady that she is she helped a very timid pit bull daycamper come out of her shell and that dog’s owner decided that violet was a keeper. violet now gets to spend her days with her new sister...

kym | Thursday, December 22, 2011 |
tuesday was not a good day and it turned into an even worse 48 hours. i did a moronic thing and left some just washed grapes in the sink to dry…and let the dogs in and forgot about the grapes. cue doom music, enter carly. i came into the kitchen a short time later to find carly standing over some little tell-tale water marks on the floor, saw a few chewed stems and at first thought “oh carly” and then “oooh carly” (which doesn’t look ...

kym | Friday, November 11, 2011 |
yesterday dave & i helped murray along to his next journey. i'm so thankful he's no longer in pain and feel very fortunate to have had him in my life. if you read this blog then you know what murray meant to me and will understand that i can't really say anything more right now. when i took this picture years ago i titled it "heaven sent murray" so it seems very fitting now... ...

kym | Thursday, November 10, 2011 |
we were lucky enough to be photographed by fantastic local photographer adrian hitt last week and she's put a sneak peek on her blog...check it out if you're so inclined. i can't wait to see the rest of her shots! if you're local to nashville and want some amazing photos taken of you and your dogs don't hesitate to contact her.

kym | Tuesday, November 1, 2011 |
when we lost kody seven years ago (how has it been that long ago) he was two days shy of his 15th birthday and since then we have not had a dog live long enough to celebrate that milestone. although i do not want to disparage him, there’s a slight possibility that kody put a spell on us to ensure no one outlives his lifespan. i have no doubt this spell was not malicious, however, it has caused me quite a bit of pain and worry and i’ve been ready to find some eye of newt to...

kym | Monday, October 31, 2011 |
hope you're enjoying a wonderful halloween. once again it's time for our annual treat (see 2009 here & 2010 here): row 1 (l to r): murray, simon, jewel
row 2 (l to r): wilson, indi, phineus
row 3 (l to r): fletcher, watson, reilley
row 4 (l to r): zander, flanagan, speck
row 5 (l to r): carley, dooley, benny
(in case you're wondering this is the official order the dogs came into our lives)