kym | Wednesday, October 18, 2017 |
i’m gonna start with the good news first since that's been in short supply lately: phineus is fully recovered and awesome...

kym | Thursday, July 12, 2012 |
a few weeks ago we had a visit from family, including our niece and nephew, jazlynn & tyler, 5-year-old twins who are full to the brim with awesome sauce. we had many activities planned but there was also a hurdle we were hoping to clear. ty has been scared of dogs since infancy – he’s fine with all other animals, loves them in fact, but dogs are a no go for him. can you imagine he scored us as an aunt and uncle??? what are the chances…an aunt and...

kym | Wednesday, August 10, 2011 |
last night was the first not unbearably hot evening we've had here in quite a while so we attempted to enjoy some peace & quiet on the patio...
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKfJhhCidYQ&w=470&h=349]
sometimes our ideas do not at all intersect with the dogs' ideas.

kym | Thursday, September 16, 2010 |
i think we need somebody out there to remind us why we sleep (or try to) with 16 dogs in our bedroom. lately we’ve been lacking in the z department due to two culprits. the first is violet who is not a fan of her cage and starts whining anywhere from 2:30 am to 6:00 am. as puppies go she’s been fantastic, so good in fact we tend to forget she’s a puppy…she definitely seems to be an old soul. she pretty much does what she wants and we feel like...

kym | Friday, March 21, 2008 |

this post was originally going to be a continuation of the phineus post below. it was going to include 4-5 pics of phin in some of his other favorite places to sleep…

kym | Tuesday, March 18, 2008 |

phineus has not yet appeared on this blog which is absolute craziness. he’s a big, chunky, oafy, lovable ball of goo –