kym | Friday, December 22, 2017 |
here's spontaneous addition number two...

kym | Monday, December 11, 2017 |
in the few days leading up to thanksgiving we ended up spontaneously adding...

kym | Thursday, September 28, 2017 |
dave & i both unintentionally created cliffhangers last week via social media and i thought i would take some time to address them both...

kym | Thursday, August 31, 2017 |
over the past few years our “extreme” loss has taken it’s toll on me. while i know that living with an abundance of dogs opens you up to much more loss...

kym | Monday, January 13, 2014 |
this post has been ruminating in my head for a while and i haven’t been sure whether i should share it or not…whether anyone would care or not. in an effort to lift the veil on my life what you’re about to read is a) likely to be a bit of a jumbled mess and b) painfully honest but it’s where i currently am and i’m putting it out there - if you decide to continue reading you’ve been warned. i’m issuing my apologies up front for the whining and complaining and then i’m letting it...

kym | Friday, January 10, 2014 |
it probably won’t come as a surprise that i was not a fan of 2013 - we lost too many family members and things were overall too hard to feel bad about it’s passing. because i consider myself a positive person and would like to be bigger than 2013 would have me be i will say that i am grateful for the additions of estelle, merle and ronan to our family; for the ability to stay in the house that we love and that all of us are currently healthy. i’m feeling much more enthusiastic about 2014 and if...

kym | Friday, May 10, 2013 |
i am humbled, gracious and overwhelmed by all the comments and emails you sent in response to my plea for help. i got a lot of fantastic suggestions and questions and will begin incorporating all the ideas into the blog. today i just want to quickly comment on a few things i read. i received a lot of comments and questions about behavioral issues and i will answer those more specifically in future posts but i did want to quickly address it here as well. to me the most important part of living...

kym | Wednesday, July 18, 2012 |
back in october (i’ve never claimed to be timely) we had the pleasure of being photographed by adrian hitt, an accomplished nashville pet photographer. i should start by mentioning that i absolutely hate having my picture taken - the hatred is alleviated only mildly when there’s a dog with me in the photograph. i’m finding i’m having to get used to it more and more as dave’s interest in photography increases but the idea of a “photography...