kym | Tuesday, November 7, 2017 |
i’m incredibly sad to report that we lost indi on sunday...

kym | Saturday, November 4, 2017 |
indi, at 13, is our elder stateslady and even though she’s riddled with arthritis she has been awesome...

kym | Wednesday, February 19, 2014 |
the very fact that this happened is mind blowing but that i had the presence of mind to video it is earth shattering... isn’t it funny how you forget how things used to be? it wasn’t until i was looking through some videos today that i remembered indi used to play - a lot – all the boys loved her and she used to love all the attention. so what’s the reason it took videos to kick that memory in you ask? because somewhere along the way indi turned into a cat (no offense to cat people). this dog...

kym | Wednesday, August 10, 2011 |
last night was the first not unbearably hot evening we've had here in quite a while so we attempted to enjoy some peace & quiet on the patio...
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKfJhhCidYQ&w=470&h=349]
sometimes our ideas do not at all intersect with the dogs' ideas.

kym | Thursday, March 17, 2011 |
at first glance having a garden seems like a no-brainer for us and seems to jive quite well with our lifestyle. we try our best at being environmentally friendly and the thought of living off the land is quite an attractive idea. we started a small garden two years ago and dear gravy was i overwhelmed even though (if i’m being honest) i should note that dave was doing most (insert “all” here) of the work…it was apparently more the idea of the responsibility than the actual...

kym | Tuesday, April 20, 2010 |
i haven't posted about benny in a while through no fault of his own - i've got a ton of video that i need to get edited so stay tuned for that. he continues to be an amazing little man. this is just a quick clip illustrating that regardless of how adorable he is indi is still not interested in his antics (and that he can be clumsy). ...

kym | Saturday, February 6, 2010 |
fortunately for me nature provided some inspiration with which to ease back into blogging. last weekend we had the largest snowstorm we've seen in nashville in the 15 years we've been here. it was a fantastic weekend of being snowed in together and that along with the beautiful white blanket over everything (along with the silence) did my heart good. here are a few snippets for your enjoyment: indi relished being covered in snow we got a good bit of snow but the tail end was sleet so we ended...

kym | Saturday, December 8, 2007 |
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="120.0"] 1618709-1200944-thumbnail.jpg[/caption] i think in every multiple dog household there is a dog everyone loves to hate. indi is ours – we all revel in giving her flack. when i begin posting videos (coming soon – for now try to contain your excitement), i would estimate that at least 75% will involve indi being dragged, chewed, humped or otherwise mauled in a very loving fashion. lest you develop concern for indi, keep in mind she has a way of...