kym | Tuesday, February 28, 2017 |
besides the fact that we deal with loss too often and it's a lot of responsibility?

kym | Thursday, September 1, 2016 |
i’m coming off a blog hiatus to share a really important video…a video that has the potential to open people’s minds and hearts. snooty giggles is the official adopter of the colella family and we couldn’t be more thankful for the amazing beings they've added to our life. shining a light on special needs animals shines a light on all beings that are “different” and that can only lead to more compassion all around. please take a moment to read the backstory on the video and then view it. because...

kym | Wednesday, March 12, 2014 |
jack has been with us almost 3 weeks now and i’m certain a gemologist would certify him a complete and total gem. his physical condition is getting better – the mange is slowly but surely improving and the ear infections are pretty much gone - he’s got a lot of free time now that he’s not scratching full-time. his personality is emerging more and more each day and he is definitely less fearful. he is incredibly sweet and playful…just an all-around magical little butters.estelle has fallen in...

kym | Wednesday, February 19, 2014 |
the very fact that this happened is mind blowing but that i had the presence of mind to video it is earth shattering... isn’t it funny how you forget how things used to be? it wasn’t until i was looking through some videos today that i remembered indi used to play - a lot – all the boys loved her and she used to love all the attention. so what’s the reason it took videos to kick that memory in you ask? because somewhere along the way indi turned into a cat (no offense to cat people). this dog...

kym | Thursday, October 17, 2013 |
zig’s human equivalent would be the kid sporting the frog costume 24-7 - he’s an eccentric little bugger. if you know me at all then you know that’s right down my alley…i’m all for letting his freak flag fly. consequently he does things that we wouldn’t allow anyone else to do (but in reality no one else really has any interest in doing). he’s been known to sit on pretty much anything that gets him closer to me, including but not limited to tables. in zig’s defense most of the time when a dog...

kym | Tuesday, May 14, 2013 |
speck was the unfortunate recipient of a very undesirable body type. she’s built like a very, very sturdy tube sitting atop 6” (at best) legs. a few months ago during our daily walk we decided to try to walk her on a leash, thus forcing her to do the whole walk to hopefully generate some weight loss and at least add some definition to the tube. our morning walk is 1 mile and i take reilley on a leash (the walk is for him and the health of his hips) and everyone else runs amok. there is an odd...

kym | Thursday, March 21, 2013 |
one thing i’ve learned from living with a pack of dogs for the last 18 years is that each and every dog is special in their own way and you establish different levels of connection with each one. i’ve been lucky enough to have deeper than usual connections with several of our dogs. that is not to say i’ve loved them more than others or they were more important to me but for whatever reason our souls seemed to speak to each other (i’m looking at you kody, murray, reilley and owney). last year a...

kym | Sunday, March 4, 2012 |
zig’s been with us about a month now and i can’t believe how much i adore the little monkey. he is quickly becoming universally adored by everyone in the family, barring a few hanger-oners to aloofness. he even turned benny, who seemingly thought he should remain the baby of the family and no one should come in after him but he’s begrudgingly accepted zig. he’s still doing horribly with housetraining (he’ll get there) and is very timid with new people and things but he’s coming along by leaps...