kym | Thursday, June 5, 2014 |
so i don't usually write about earthdog-related things here (although i'm not sure why since somebody's gotta buy the stuff or these dogs will be eating us for dinner) however on this occasion i can’t contain my excitement so please excuse this small bit of promotion.i've long been a fan of friendship bracelets - i love the colors, the patterns and the craftsmanship. after murray died i sewed his id tag on an old bracelet i had made in college and when that one wore out i got a new one and...

kym | Wednesday, March 12, 2014 |
jack has been with us almost 3 weeks now and i’m certain a gemologist would certify him a complete and total gem. his physical condition is getting better – the mange is slowly but surely improving and the ear infections are pretty much gone - he’s got a lot of free time now that he’s not scratching full-time. his personality is emerging more and more each day and he is definitely less fearful. he is incredibly sweet and playful…just an all-around magical little butters.estelle has fallen in...

kym | Wednesday, March 5, 2014 |
several weeks ago in the midst of one of my “find a best friend” frenzies i was searching wire-haired terriers on petfinder when i was completely taken by this guy... i contacted the west memphis animal shelter where he was and learned he had been there for 3 weeks after having been seized from a meth house. his 10-day hold had ended and his owners <fortunately> hadn’t returned to claim him. i filled out the necessary paperwork which was, believe it or not, approved and we made...