kym | Wednesday, September 5, 2012 |
we’re hosting a benefit for the pet community center here friday night so things have been a little bit hectic the last few weeks. this is my formal excuse for waiting so long to announce some exciting news. before i get into that if you’re local to nashville please join us friday for rock n’ roll for pup control…all signs are pointing to this being an awesome evening. dave will be playing drums all night with an amazing line-up of musicians and...

kym | Friday, June 11, 2010 |
a few years ago i had a dream realized when we set up our non-profit, kody’s fund. i have always wanted to have a non-profit to help animals in some way and earthdog provided the perfect opening. kody’s fund was set up to fund spay & neuter programs and is the recipient of 10% of earthdog’s profits. over the years we have been able to facilitate programs that have led to many dogs & cats being spayed & neutered. the main recipient of our...