kym | Thursday, April 16, 2009 |

kym | Friday, April 10, 2009 |
if you frequent this blog then you’re probably familiar with my love for dave, my dogs and many inanimate objects. i’ve decided to start a new feature dedicated to the latter of that list. let me be clear that, while there are a lot of inanimate objects that i adore, they are still objects and in the grand scheme of things do not hold a whole lot of importance...but they sure do bring me joy, which i thought i would share with you. you might also be thinking that i’m fickle or...

kym | Thursday, April 9, 2009 |
below is a video of one of murray’s chiropractic appointments with the great dr. triplett in nashville. it’s 7 minutes of a vet appointment so it might not be the most engaging video but i thought it would be interesting for people to see if they didn’t know what chiropractic on dogs looks like. if you can’t hang out for the full 7 minutes i strongly urge you to make it (or fast forward) to 2:39 where murray’s face first appears – i defy you not to smile at...

kym | Wednesday, April 8, 2009 |
please forgive this non-dog related post but there seems to be an epidemic out there & it has to be stopped. i beg of everyone with an establishment with public bathrooms to stop with the pithy, witty and/or olde english labeling of the bathroom doors. what's wrong with good old ladies & gentleman, men & women, or even boys & girls. all are equally descriptive, quick and to the point – okay so they might not be creative but they get the job done, which i believe is...

kym | Thursday, April 2, 2009 |
entering is easy: just send us an email with your submission, your collar details (size, style/color, type) and your name and address (have no fear this information will not be disseminated in any way) by april 15.
and now without further ado, the april contest is:
photograph of the most unique/bizarre sleeping position
send your photo to iwannawin@earthdog.com and include your collar choice, name and address (winning photo will be posted on our blog).
one photo per email
photos must be...

kym | Tuesday, March 24, 2009 |
there is an adage in our house which very simply states every time we think we’ve seen it all we haven’t. it has always proven true that each dog that comes into this house will at one point or another do something unique that amazes, amuses, and/or disgusts us. you would think at some point this phenomenon would run its course and there would be nothing new but you my friend would be wrong. for some reason i seem to be constantly amazed at the stream of odd behaviors these mutts...

kym | Monday, March 23, 2009 |
i’m not sure if dooley overshot his landing, didn’t think head placement through or just doesn’t have the sense he needs but this was clearly not a well thought out resting spot. other than his failure to realize everyone needs a little elbow room, dooley's come a long way in the few months we’ve had him and he’s coming out of his shell more and more – he’s a gem. i’ve got some videos to edit that demonstrate his unshelling...coming soon! ...

kym | Wednesday, March 11, 2009 |
today dave & i did our civic duty for tn’s humane lobby day. we went to “the hill” and met with our state representative and state senator to get their support on a puppy mill bill and an animal fighting bill. dave was our spokesperson for both meetings and did a bang up job – to quote him “i opened up my mouth and hoped words came out in an order that made sense.” it was a very daunting experience but even i was able to sputter some words out.