kym | Thursday, October 28, 2010 |
these pics of violet exemplify her involvement in pitbull awareness day; they are from top to bottom anticipation, participation and poopilation post event. we had a good time, the pitbulls seemed to enjoy it, 16 dogs were neutered and many vouchers for free spays & neuters at fix for life were given out...i think we can stamp that successful. dave posted all the pictures on our facebook page so head over there to check 'em out....

kym | Thursday, October 21, 2010 |
for the third year we will be sponsoring the spay station at the nashville event on sat. free neuters will be done on site (by appt) and vouchers will be handed out for free spays & neuters at fix for life in lebanon, tn. come join in the festivities - it should be a beautiful day. this fine little lady will be joining dave & i... click here for a state by state listing of events and here for more information on the nashville event. ...

kym | Saturday, September 25, 2010 |

kym | Tuesday, September 21, 2010 |
it's hard to really concentrate on a book when this is what goes on next to you
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQk7s4wvct0&fs=1&hl=en_US]

kym | Thursday, September 16, 2010 |
i think we need somebody out there to remind us why we sleep (or try to) with 16 dogs in our bedroom. lately we’ve been lacking in the z department due to two culprits. the first is violet who is not a fan of her cage and starts whining anywhere from 2:30 am to 6:00 am. as puppies go she’s been fantastic, so good in fact we tend to forget she’s a puppy…she definitely seems to be an old soul. she pretty much does what she wants and we feel like...

kym | Thursday, September 2, 2010 |
violet had her surgery and yesterday she had her 3-week follow-up where we found out that while she’s healing well she will definitely not have a fully functional leg, although it could prove helpful for balance and some other leg-centric activities. the biggest issue is that violet seems to have written the leg off completely – won’t use it, won’t look at it, won’t have nothing to do with it, to the point that she many times lets it drag behind her and the sores and ground-down nails that...

kym | Friday, August 13, 2010 |
we got a call the other day from an acquaintance who had “rescued” a dog from a bad situation and needed some help figuring out what to do. unfortunately “the dog” had a broken leg and now the rescuers had had her in their care for a week without providing any care for the leg. not knowing what else to do and realizing that this dog needed help we told them to take her to our vet the next day and we would pay to find out what exactly was wrong with the leg...

kym | Tuesday, July 20, 2010 |
growing up we always had a kitchen witch in our kitchen (and if your kitchen witch resides anywhere other than the kitchen you’ve got problems) and it’s an odd superstition that i’ve carried into adulthood. for the last decade or so our kitchen witch has been an ozzy osbourne figure, although the only way you would know it was supposed to be ozzy is because the packaging said so. i don’t know if there are rules as to what makes an official kitchen witch but...