kym | Tuesday, July 9, 2013 |
carly's life has gotten a big upgrade of late; first with estelle and more recently (and fervently) with the addition of merlin. she and merlin are developing a fantastic relationship and i couldn't be happier. i was filming them the other night and captured pure magic that i'm not ashamed to say had me bawling: ...

kym | Monday, June 17, 2013 |
so stella seems to have succeeded where odin* couldn't - slowly but surely she and carly are building a solid relationship. for the first time in really what’s been well over a year carly seems happy and my heart feels a ton lighter…can i get a woot woot? there’s a strange phenomenon going on here. historically the idea of adding a new dog always came with equal parts excitement and apprehension. there was always some fear of the chaos that would ensue - a...

kym | Monday, June 10, 2013 |
you might remember last september we adopted odin to
hopefully be a buddy for carly and get her out of her depression. for carly odin turned out to be a bust
since he’s unwilling to play with anyone who’s larger than him. that being said, odin is the greatest, most loving and congenial guy
and he is unanimously adored here - he just wasn’t a fit for carly. unfortunately after losing dooley, her
running partner, carly seemed to go deeper into depression. for the past few...

kym | Tuesday, June 4, 2013 |
here's a little vine dave created from dinner one night:https://vine.co/v/b9jg93Kn51H/embed/simple//platform.vine.co/static/scripts/embed.jsto the people who inquired about our feeding ritual: i promise i'll go into more depth than this!

kym | Tuesday, May 14, 2013 |
speck was the unfortunate recipient of a very undesirable body type. she’s built like a very, very sturdy tube sitting atop 6” (at best) legs. a few months ago during our daily walk we decided to try to walk her on a leash, thus forcing her to do the whole walk to hopefully generate some weight loss and at least add some definition to the tube. our morning walk is 1 mile and i take reilley on a leash (the walk is for him and the health of his hips) and everyone else runs amok. there is an odd...

kym | Friday, May 10, 2013 |
i am humbled, gracious and overwhelmed by all the comments and emails you sent in response to my plea for help. i got a lot of fantastic suggestions and questions and will begin incorporating all the ideas into the blog. today i just want to quickly comment on a few things i read. i received a lot of comments and questions about behavioral issues and i will answer those more specifically in future posts but i did want to quickly address it here as well. to me the most important part of living...

kym | Monday, May 6, 2013 |
wilson woke up from a sound sleep on my lap when a late night howl session broke out. he was unable to put forth a full effort...

kym | Thursday, March 21, 2013 |
one thing i’ve learned from living with a pack of dogs for the last 18 years is that each and every dog is special in their own way and you establish different levels of connection with each one. i’ve been lucky enough to have deeper than usual connections with several of our dogs. that is not to say i’ve loved them more than others or they were more important to me but for whatever reason our souls seemed to speak to each other (i’m looking at you kody, murray, reilley and owney). last year a...