kym | Wednesday, October 17, 2012 |
yesterday started out as a perfectly normal day and quickly became a heartbreaking mess. if you’re a fan on our facebook page then you may already know we lost zander. we probably should have realized we were on borrowed time with him since his seizures started, they were so aggressive and we were having a hard time controlling them with phenobarbital, but we remained hopeful. even as i say that i know full well that even if we were clear we were on borrowed time it wouldn’t have made a...

kym | Monday, May 14, 2012 |
i love this time of the year – the weather is perfect and we can all be outside together working on projects with the added benefit of worn out dogs when all is said and done. there are some disadvantages to trying to get work done with 16 dogs, the main one being the energy expended trying to keep said dogs that i love to have around from destroying whatever it is we’re trying to accomplish. they all have very specific behaviors when work is being done: reilley, dooley,...

kym | Sunday, March 4, 2012 |
zig’s been with us about a month now and i can’t believe how much i adore the little monkey. he is quickly becoming universally adored by everyone in the family, barring a few hanger-oners to aloofness. he even turned benny, who seemingly thought he should remain the baby of the family and no one should come in after him but he’s begrudgingly accepted zig. he’s still doing horribly with housetraining (he’ll get there) and is very timid with new people and things but he’s coming along by leaps...

kym | Thursday, February 16, 2012 |
reilley was diagnosed with hip dysplasia and arthritis several months ago. it’s pretty severe so, along with regular acupuncture and chiropractic treatments, a few weeks ago we instituted daily “family” walks to try to aid him in building some muscle. i should have put quotes around walks as well since reilley and i are the only ones actually walking – the rest of the hooligans spend their time running amok. because of the mixture of rogue, fast-moving...

kym | Saturday, February 11, 2012 |
i'm contractually obligated by carly to let you know when she does something good - today she once again proved herself to be the most welcoming colella...

kym | Thursday, February 9, 2012 |
it’s taken almost a full year but we’ve finally come full circle. last year when we announced that we needed to find a home for violet we promised we would give another dog a home so we didn’t leave any footprint. we remained in limbo until violet found a home and now that she has we’re no longer in limbo. meet zig: he’s the newest colella and he’s a pretty superb addition. he’s a puppy mill reject who was dumped in a kill...

kym | Saturday, January 21, 2012 |
plug your ears people cause you about to get "specked"
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWJ4uinbCRI&w=460&h=315]

kym | Thursday, January 19, 2012 |
this video cracks me up for two reasons: (1) watson & jewel are the two slowest moving dogs we have and when they play it looks like it's in slow motion (it can actually be sleep inducing) and (2) because everyone else was outside it seems like jewel decided to use this alone time with watson to work on some new moves, although she remains true to the good ole "grab a back leg" move.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4ueRalQe-Y&w=460&h=315]