kym | Monday, October 31, 2011 |
hope you're enjoying a wonderful halloween. once again it's time for our annual treat (see 2009 here & 2010 here): row 1 (l to r): murray, simon, jewel
row 2 (l to r): wilson, indi, phineus
row 3 (l to r): fletcher, watson, reilley
row 4 (l to r): zander, flanagan, speck
row 5 (l to r): carley, dooley, benny
(in case you're wondering this is the official order the dogs came into our lives)

kym | Sunday, October 31, 2010 |
for the second year in a row dave was successful in getting the whole pack photographed (check out our shot from 2009). hope you have a fantastic halloween full of treats, including this one: row 1 (l to r): murray, simon, jewel, wilson
row 2 (l to r): indi, phineus, fletcher, watsonrow 3 (l to r): reilley, flanagan, zander, speckrow 4 (l to r): carley, dooley, benny, violet

kym | Saturday, October 31, 2009 |
the trick was getting all these shots but the treat is all yours...behold the pack:
row 1 (l to r): demeter, astrid, murray, simon
row 2 (l to r): jewel, wilson, indi, phineus row 3 (l to r): fletcher, watson, reilley, zander row 4 (l to r): flanagan, speck, carley, dooley

kym | Wednesday, June 4, 2008 |
as much as i love living in a country setting it’s been a trying week here for us suburbanites.

kym | Wednesday, October 17, 2007 |
dave & i have spent most of the day working on our new website. much of the time was spent putting together new pictures and descriptions of all our dogs - quite a lot of fun. for now you can see the page at earthdog crew until it moves to its permanent home.