kym | Friday, February 20, 2015 |
last friday we helped wilson pass out of this life. it was time and we were at peace with the decision knowing that it was the best thing for him. somehow i convinced myself that all those things would make it easier. somehow i convinced myself that it wasn’t tragic so i would miss him but i would be okay – i would survive. somehow i convinced myself that i’m like a professional at dog loss at this point and i would be okay. even though i’m a person who gets sad when i reach a book’s end...

kym | Sunday, December 1, 2013 |
a little over eight years ago at an adoption event i fell in love with this guy at first sight... it didn’t matter that we were at the event to hopefully find homes for two of our fosters, i did not possess the ability to walk away from that face. watson (as he would later be named) at the time was about 3 months old and was up for adoption along with his sister and brother after having been rescued by a woman from a man who was going to “take them down to the river and shoot them." that day...

kym | Friday, August 30, 2013 |
yesterday we said goodbye to reilley, my best friend (in the
dog world that is – don’t worry i have human friends as well) of 8 years. i am sad, i am lonely, and i’m not
quite sure who i am without him by my side but…b.u.t. i’m also grateful,
honored and humbled to have had such a faithful and loving companion to
navigate the last 8 years with.
our time here together is over but he will remain a piece of me for the
rest of my life. sadly i don’t
think i have it in me to write...

kym | Saturday, April 27, 2013 |
yesterday we said goodbye to simon; our boo, our captain, our elder statesmen. i have 13 years of memories of simon, 13 years of stories and countless hilarious episodes that i could impart here. i could tell you how smart he was or what an amazing first alert system he was and how seriously he took his job. i could fill the page telling you what a character he was. i could regurgitate all over you and still fail miserably in getting the essence of boo across. as i...

kym | Monday, March 11, 2013 |
my apologies for being mia of late. the truth is that life with a pack of dogs can sometimes be messy and heartbreaking and these past 5 months have been jam packed with pain. i should note that dave is much better at updating the earthdog facebook page so to keep up with timely news and his photos head on over and "like" us.
i don’t want to belabor the ugliness of the recent past but i do want to let you know that we lost dooley early in february after a prolonged,...

kym | Friday, November 9, 2012 |
the universe seems to know things. these pictures were taken the day before zander's extremely unexpected loss... in hindsight i'm really happy i shared that time with him.

kym | Wednesday, October 17, 2012 |
yesterday started out as a perfectly normal day and quickly became a heartbreaking mess. if you’re a fan on our facebook page then you may already know we lost zander. we probably should have realized we were on borrowed time with him since his seizures started, they were so aggressive and we were having a hard time controlling them with phenobarbital, but we remained hopeful. even as i say that i know full well that even if we were clear we were on borrowed time it wouldn’t have made a...

kym | Friday, November 11, 2011 |
yesterday dave & i helped murray along to his next journey. i'm so thankful he's no longer in pain and feel very fortunate to have had him in my life. if you read this blog then you know what murray meant to me and will understand that i can't really say anything more right now. when i took this picture years ago i titled it "heaven sent murray" so it seems very fitting now... ...