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This collar is sturdy and good looking! The medium fit my dog perfectly, and everyone who sees my boy's new collar remarks on how nice it looks on him. The delivery was timely, and I couldn't be a happier customer!
We've had this martingale collar in Owney for a long time now. It still looks great and we've never even washed it. I love the graphic look of this style...and it's so comfy...I wanted something more secure than just a collar but nothing that would pinch my precious girl's neck. This is the perfect solution because you can adjust it to be tight enough so your pup cannot get loose, but also not so tight that it chokes her! :) Perfection.
I have had a very hard time finding a collar to fix the neck of my lab/pit mix. Every collar I have tried doesn't fit right. If I tighten it, it stays too high up on her neck, if I loosen it up it slips off. This fits perfect! We slid it over her head and adjusted it, it fits loose around her neck, but because of the way it's made if we need to hold her back or attach a leash, it tightens up & doesn't slip off. She seems to have sensitive skin and this is not rubbing her fur off or irritating her skin.
Over the years I have bought so many of these collars. Between the cute designs and the unmatched quality, you just can't get a better collar. My dogs love them, and they wear ( and wash ) like your very favorite t-shirt that you never want to replace. Excellent, lost-lasting quality & comfort that can't be beat. But one right now. You won't be sorry and will find yourself wanting many, many more! Compliments will be coming your way, and your pup will be so proud. :)
Cannot compliment enough on my recent purchase of the Martingale collar fro Earth Dog . It's soft and simple design is exactly what I wanted for our puppy. She loves it too. I plan on buying more products from Earth Dog like the matching harness :) Thank you Earth Dog!